What is mindfulness? Why mindfullness?

The idea for this site preceded the name. I spent a lot of time searching for a name that would appropriately capture the messages and feelings I wanted to convey to you. Finally, I landed on mindfullness, inspired by the concept of mindfulness used in meditation. The spelling, note the second “L” in mindfullness, was inspired by my belief that you can live a full life. A life free from food, weight, and eating concerns, and nurtured by those things that fulfill you. This is my hope for you.

Mindfulness emphasizes the importance of being present in the “here and now.” It is a process of learning to pay attention to your emotions as they come and accepting them in a welcoming, nonjudgmental way. You can do this daily in a general sense, but also while eating! Imagine: approaching food as something to be enjoyed and tasted one bite at a time!